• Everything you wanted to know about tattoo in 10 words

    It’s mind-blowing to think about the multitude of animals that exist in this world.

    Let users create news, viral lists, personality or trivia quizzes, polls, audio, video and any type of social embeds. Moderate all content before publishing on the site. Increase traffic and start advertisement campaigns. Go viral right now! 1. Image with description Alan is driving a pick-up truck along the road with a flock of ducks in the...
  • Wow – Dogs on the beach eating watermelon

    It’s mind-blowing to think about the multitude of animals that exist in this world.

    Let users create news, viral lists, personality or trivia quizzes, polls, audio, video and any type of social embeds. Moderate all content before publishing on the site. Increase traffic and start advertisement campaigns. Go viral right now! 1. Image with description Alan is driving a pick-up truck along the road with a flock of ducks in the...
  • Decor, Accessories and Throw Pillows

    It’s mind-blowing to think about the multitude of animals that exist in this world.

    Let users create news, viral lists, personality or trivia quizzes, polls, audio, video and any type of social embeds. Moderate all content before publishing on the site. Increase traffic and start advertisement campaigns. Go viral right now! 1. Image with description Alan is driving a pick-up truck along the road with a flock of ducks in the...
  • 10 Creative Halloween Makeup Ideas from Best Horror Movies

    It’s mind-blowing to think about the multitude of animals that exist in this world.

    Let users create news, viral lists, personality or trivia quizzes, polls, audio, video and any type of social embeds. Moderate all content before publishing on the site. Increase traffic and start advertisement campaigns. Go viral right now! 1. Image with description Alan is driving a pick-up truck along the road with a flock of ducks in the...
  • Come Play With Us – The Shining

    It’s mind-blowing to think about the multitude of animals that exist in this world.

    Let users create news, viral lists, personality or trivia quizzes, polls, audio, video and any type of social embeds. Moderate all content before publishing on the site. Increase traffic and start advertisement campaigns. Go viral right now! 1. Image with description Alan is driving a pick-up truck along the road with a flock of ducks in the...
  • The Selfie Mania- Cool Or Crazy?

    It’s mind-blowing to think about the multitude of animals that exist in this world.

    Let users create news, viral lists, personality or trivia quizzes, polls, audio, video and any type of social embeds. Moderate all content before publishing on the site. Increase traffic and start advertisement campaigns. Go viral right now! 1. Image with description Alan is driving a pick-up truck along the road with a flock of ducks in the...
  • 25 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Animals

    It’s mind-blowing to think about the multitude of animals that exist in this world.

    Let users create news, viral lists, personality or trivia quizzes, polls, audio, video and any type of social embeds. Moderate all content before publishing on the site. Increase traffic and start advertisement campaigns. Go viral right now! 1. Image with description Alan is driving a pick-up truck along the road with a flock of ducks in the...
  • Il passerotto e il motociclista – Barzelletta

    Un ragazzo esce a fare un giro in moto. Ad un certo punto qualcosa gli viene addosso, accosta e si accorge di aver urtato un...

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    Un ragazzo esce a fare un giro in moto. Ad un certo punto qualcosa gli viene addosso, accosta e si accorge di aver urtato un passerotto; il passerotto è privo si sensi, ma ancora respira. Il ragazzo, sperando che possa riprendersi, lo porta a casa, lo mette in una gabbietta con un po’ di acqua...
  • L’invito – Barzelletta simpatica

    Una formica ed un millepiedi vengono invitati da uno scarabeo per il tè. La formica giunge puntuale, mentre il millepiedi arriva con un’ora di ritardo....

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    Una formica ed un millepiedi vengono invitati da uno scarabeo per il tè. La formica giunge puntuale, mentre il millepiedi arriva con un’ora di ritardo. – Cosa ti è successo? – Fuori dalla porta c’è un cartello con su scritto ‘Per favore, pulirsi i piedi’!